Sunday, 31 January 2010

First batch of veterans finally painted!

this is the first part of my imperial guard mixed Valhallan/(classic) Cadian veterans. their scheme is a bit lighter than the testpaint because i made a softer highlight. i really like the combination of olive greens and greys. if you like, i'll post a tutorial about painting wood.

look at the meltas' muzzles: i've managed somehow to get a burned effect with a nice method explained on Citadel's "how to paint Citadel tanks" book: after painting metal, wash with watered down snakebite leather and then with bestial brown (and also with schorched brown if you want. i didn't), finally wash with very watered down black in order to merge the previous layers of paint. i find this method quite successful.

final goodie: a better pic of demo-charge dude.
that's all for now!


  1. They look great, mate!

    Those melta muzzles work well, too.

  2. More classic guard, seems to be a theme at the moment. They're looking very nice mate.



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