Wednesday, 25 November 2009
camo scheme compendium

Monday, 23 November 2009
Fantasy Monday #2: Battle Masters Chaos Warrior

a little break from Ultramarines painting, hope you like it. this is a chaos warrior from Battle Masters tabletop game. the first time i painted this guy (1993 circa) i used humbrol enamels, needless to say it sucked. so i stripped paint of with some degreaser and repainted it with the same colour scheme i wanted when i was just a kid and this is the result. i painted the halberd in that way to show it is magical, instead of choosing a flat steel colour. about the photo shooting tecnique: the one above has been taken with the flash, instead the following one has been taken without the flash

Battle Masters,
Dungeons and Dragons,
Fantasy Monday,
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Librarian's banner

the old metal terminators were pretty static but the good thing about them was that they had a big banner pole so, as i like to paint banners, i'm pretty happy about that. my librarian, blessed with terminator armours, is kinda veteran so i painted a banner in order to show this. his name is Commodus, so i wrote it on the book and combined the tipical heraldry of librarians with the chapter's icon. in order to show his supernatural power i painted upside down flames and lightning bolts that is a nonsense as is never present in nature. pretty silly, i know :-) but the important thing is that this banner must look old school!
Space Marines,
Warhammer 40000
Friday, 20 November 2009
Oldschool terminator librarian (aka how to enhance an ugly miniature)

the storm shield.

yeah, i know, today my english is worst then ever.
PS: the shield arm is interchangeable, i think i'll magnetize it
Space Marines,
Warhammer 40000,
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
more on the dreadnought

so, i made some thoughts about what's better for my purposes between classic dreadnought and ironclad. the task is pretty simple: i gotta thrash some black templars that regularly kill pretty easily my ultras. here we go:
CLASSIC: 105 points for av12, dreadnought close combat weapon and multimelta. cheap and nice. broad weapons selection, far better than iroclad but vulnerable to lascannons and of course melta weapons. about the options:
- replace storm bolter with heavy flamer is almost always a good idea
- twin linked heavy flamer is a bad idea
- twin linked heavy bolter worse idea
- twin linked autocannon is perhaps good but i don't like it (autocannon has an imperial guard taste for me)
- plasma cannon or assault cannon is better than the previous option, imo, anyway amusing
- twin linked lascannon pretty good, but bloody expensive!
- replace close combat weapon with twin linked autocannon or missile launcher... well, it's always nice to have a mobile shooting platform, like the Mortis pattern (twin linked lascannon & missile launcher) but if you are not in desperate need of firepower, well... you should avoid.
- Take extra armour... well i'd dare say always, as a dreadnought in close combat is always a pain in the ass (for your opponent) and extra armour allows to charge in close combat even if you reported a "stunned" on the damage table
- replace storm bolter with heavy flamer is as good as with the classic
- replace melta gun with heavy flamer is also good (twin heavy flamer fun against troops holding objectives) but you risk overkill that is never a good thing when you are in the middle of the battlefield provided it isn't the last turn
- replace combat weapon with hurricane bolters... don't even think about that
- replace seismic hammer with chainfist: no, because it is almost always useless to roll 2d6 for penetration when you have strength 10. i wonder if the chainfist makes you to attack last
- take up to 2 hunter killer missiles is overpriced, so no.
- take ironclad assault launchers don't like because enemy power fists will hit last anyway, so no.
Monday, 16 November 2009
dreadnought anyone?

let's talk about dreadnoughts: the classic, the venerable and the ironclad.
personally i do like only the first one: the second is too expensive, the third is an awful miniature, if i will field it i'll certainly convert a classic one (i own the metal one and the plastic one) instead of buying a new plastic ironclad.
my personal two cents: i find myself in the embarrassing situation of losing lots of space marines squads due to some hateful black templars crusades so i said myself: "let's go armour, those bastards can't pierce anything heavier than armour 10... only the power fist (2 attacks charging) can be a problem". in this case armour 13 of the ironclad can be of some help. also a second close combat weapon might be useful. obviously the tactic is to keep the dreadnought ready for countercharge the crusade squad or even bash the land raider that transports them with the close combat weapon.
theoretically, it can work out. but what if i play against other enemies? the problem would rise if i have to play a game against a slower army, like tau or imperial guard... i guess the dreadnought, without a drop pod would be useless... but i hate drop pods.
so? please help me!
Sunday, 15 November 2009
imperial guard progress so far
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Tactical squad Traianus

do you like them? what about the golden yellow trim? do you prefere the shining gold instead? personally, it makes me puke.
Space Marines,
Warhammer 40000
the hobby so far
just a bit of service information:
- as many of you may have seen: this monday there wasn't any Fantasy Monday post. the fact is that i gotta paint my whole Ultramarines army for a tournament that will take place on december 22nd so the fantasy posting is interrupted until the job is done. maybe, i'm not sure at all, there will be ONE posting before de Ultras deadline.
- the poll says i shouldn't waste points on heavy stubbers, with a slight advantage on the second option: put them on the demolisher. well i guess i'll keep these two options in mind in order to fit both solutions from time to time.
- i'll post asap the pics of Ultras Traianus squad: yesterday i put some decals on their armours so they are ready for the battlefield
- i've started to paint Terminators: a dream comes finally true.
- the demolisher conversion goes on: i'll soon show you some new concept drawings or maybe the tutorial for the brand new Odessa X pattern Leman Russ turret.
- Space Hulk is addicting: Teo and me got a full week end play and we're quite satisfied. expect articles about this stuff.
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
land speeder mkIII

this is the 2nd land speeder of my squadron, armed in the same way as the previous. plain classic plastic land speeder, bought just when it came out in 1998, my very first vehicle. as you can imagine i removed the old paint and repainted in a decent way.

only one thing: it is too plain for my, have you got any suggestion?
PS: oh, gosh i just realized i forgot to paint the rail of the cannon and the gem on the top rear flap! i'll get rid of this mistake asap!
Space Marines,
Warhammer 40000
Sunday, 8 November 2009
812nd cadian "hellmarchers" concept

i mentioned this fictional regiment before, precisely here. since it will be part of our setting i guess it would be nice to include in an imperial guard army at least 1 squad of survivors from the original 812nd, just for background sake. i've imagined them as a regiment of rapid deployement guys, faster than standard cadian shock troopers, inspired by ww2 british "red devils" paratroopers. it would be nice to include some bullpup lasguns but forgeworld's are bloody expensive so i guess i'm gonna convert some from standard lasguns. opinions?
Friday, 6 November 2009
old school land speeder mkII

this is an old model that i bought used. pretty nice but a real pain in the ass to build up and paint (oh gosh, can i write ass on my own blog?) since it is a whole metal kit so it needs a lot of green stuff to stick together and you gotta paint every piece separately if you want a decent result.
ultramarine blue was painted in the usual way (over a black basecoat):
1) regal blue basecoat
2) heavy drybrush with ultramarines blue
3) light drybrush with shadow grey (1st highlight)
4) light drybrush with space wolves grey, only on edges (2nd highlight)

then i painted the pilot like the sergeant of the squadron, his name's Lucius, and i gave him a shield, just to display the army badge. there's not that much to say about the gunner... just a plain space marine manning an heavy flamer.

above, the targeting gem: things to be proud of. any suggestion on how to enhance this model?
what about you? do you like old school models? do you prefere metal or plastic?
Space Marines,
Warhammer 40000
Thursday, 5 November 2009
[poll] where should i put a heavy stubber?

todays dilemma: i've got only 1 heavy stubber and i don't wanna buy another. should i put that upgrade on the chimera (with heavy bolter and multilaser turret) or on a demolisher (with hull lascannon and no sponson)? both tanks are meant to move almost all the time but of course with different tasks. maybe it would be better to give it to the demolisher because the chimera is more likely to boost 12", thing that a demolisher wont do for a number of reasons... your opinion? please leave your vote on the top right box! thanks!
PS: if you have any suggestions please drop a comment!
Monday, 2 November 2009
Fantasy Monday #1: Heroquest Chaos Warrior

today, november 2nd 2009, begins Fantasy Monday post series. as the name tells every monday i'll post some fantasy vintage miniature painted by me, just to break the sci-fi posting that can be a little boring if kept costant.
this monday i'll show you this Heroquest chaos warrior: it is painted in a quite unusual scheme: for the armour i used tin bitz highlighed with brazen brass on black basecoat. then the insignas and the cloth has been painted with an undercoat of regal blue and a highlight of enchanted blue. i wanted to paint the axe like a magical frost axe but soon i realized that the blue layers were too dark so i imagine this like a generic magical axe. the leather of the glove and the boots was painted black and softly highlighed with german grey because the classic brown leather would not suit the yellowish armour. the base has been painted with a dungeonlike stone blocks pattern and then glued with some flock in order to represent the musk of the humid enviroment.
do you like it?
Dungeons and Dragons,
Fantasy Monday,
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