the brand new plastic hellhound has been unveiled at spain gamesday, check it out! personally i find extremely interesting the new turret since the old one was quite ugly... and also these new weapons and armour panels are amazing!
GW's newsletter says it's gonna hit the stores in august with a bunch of new tanks... maybe we all already know which ones :-)
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Friday, 29 May 2009
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Nork Deddog is here for you!
Sunday, 24 May 2009
[40k army list] Teo's Catachan imperial guard

company command squad: regimental standard, lascannon, astropath, vox-caster
colonel Straken
guardsman Marbo
platoon command squad: melta bombs, vox-caster, meltagun x3, (on chimera)
chimera: heavy flamer x1, heavy bolter x1, extra armour
infantry squad: lascannon x1, vox-caster
infantry squad: lascannon x1, vox-caster
infantry squad: missile launcher x1, vox-caster, (on chimera)
chimera: heavy flamer x1, heavy bolter x1, extra armour
veteran squad: lascannon x1, plasma gun x1, gunnery sergeant Harker
veteran squad: plasma gun x3 (on valkyrie)
scout sentinel squadron: autocannon x2
valkyrie: lascannon, rocket pods x2
leman russ: battlecannon, heavy bolter x2, lascannon x1
leman russ demolisher: demolisher cannon, heavy bolter
Friday, 22 May 2009
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
[40k army list] imperial guard

company command squad: regimental standard, lascannon, astropath, master of ordnance
lord commissar: boltgun, power fist, refractor field
platoon command squad: meltagun, meltabombs
infantry squad: heavy bolter
infantry squad: heavy bolter, flamer, chimera
chimera: multilaser, heavy bolter
infantry squad: lascannon
infantry squad: lascannon
veteran squad: lascannon
veteran squad: plasma gun x3
scout sentinel squadron: multilaser x2, autocannon x1
rough rider squad: hunting lance x10, power weapon x1
valkyrie: multilaser, rocket pods x2
leman russ: battlecannon, heavy bolter x3
leman russ vanquisher: vanquisher cannon, heavy bolter, camo netting
let me know what do you think... it works exactly like the previous. i'm planning to swap the vanquisher with a demolisher or, maybe, field 3 russes...
Friday, 15 May 2009
(counts as) lord commissar!

ok, it's not the miniature of the lord commissar but... who cares? i'm gonna field this guy to represent a lord commissar for my valhallan guards because it is the miniature who fits best in this role, you know: reading some prayer and inspiring the troops... if you care i'll tell you how i painted it so please let me know!
[this pic is kinda sh*tty, i'll post some better ones as soon as it gets morning]
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Pilatus, black templar initiate
Monday, 11 May 2009
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Turag the golden dwarf

Here's another goodie, hope you like it: this is Reaper's 02244: Linroc Brightrune (by Sandra Garrity), painted like a golden dwarf; my friend Teo, who owns it, wanted a white beard in order to recall the White Dwarf from Games Workshop's Heroquest (that you can find within this blog). In our d&d campaign, this Dwarf, whose name is Turag, is a paladin of Clangeddin coming from the Great Rift and Norain's brother-in-arms. oh well, needless to say he is quite a warmachine.
Dungeons and Dragons,
Reaper miniatures
Friday, 8 May 2009
[poll] mordian guardsman

a 10 men Mordian squad is gonna join my Valhallan army as a Veteran squad, a sort of decade long war survivors backed up by my Valhallans during some campaign still not clearly set in time and space...
Imperial Guard,
Warhammer 40000
Even more fantasy stuff: Tudor-Kar the evoker!

Yeah, another D&D miniature... this one is the Reaper's 02005: Tox... a human wizard by Julie Guthrie. I know, the colour scheme recalls somehow the L.A. Lakers but when I put the hands on it I felt it was the right way to paint such an evoker.
Anyway his name is Tudor-Kar and he has been kind of a uber-villain of the 2nd chapter of our D&D campaign during which he did lots of bad things. Absolutely nasty character.
Do you like it? I hope you do.
Dungeons and Dragons,
Reaper miniatures
Thursday, 7 May 2009
objective marker for wh40k

here it is my brand new objective marker! it is made with the battlefield accessory sprue, a plastic skeleton from an undead regiment, cadian helmet and stuff... and last but not least a bit of plasticard and work. note that the box represents a para dropped radio (there are some screens in the box if you look, they come from rhino kit) with his antennas... do you like it?
More fantasy stuff: Norain Morak, dwarven sharpshooter

Here's the very first Reaper miniature ever painted by me: they called it 02062: Brock Battlebow by Sandra Garrity. I needed a dwarf with crossbow that is kinda weird in the D&D universe (as everybody knows, each and every dwarf has his axe and loves melee) because I had to represent an old character made with the AD&D Complete Book of Dwarfs that was a sort of dwarvish crossbow-man. This class was called sharpshooter, marksman or something like that.
Anyway i painted it with quite a dark skin because he is a golden dwarf (see Forgotten Realms campaign setting)... so, please say hello to Norain Morak! I had plenty of nice adventures with this character...
Dungeons and Dragons,
Reaper miniatures
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
valhallan standard bearer

soon you'll see it painted...
Imperial Guard,
Warhammer 40000
some fantasy stuff

today i wanna show you some minis i've painted for my d&d games: Mithril's gimli & legolas, you can find them here:
i've bought these ones long ago (2001 circa) in Lucca comics & games fair (amazing fair near Ligury, in Tuscany) and paited only recently, let's say one year ago more or less. maybe more.
i like these miniatures, they are very consistent with the description of the characters given in the LOTR books and display a sort of old school clothing, you know, like the characters of Elmore's paintings. the bad thing is that they have much less details than Citadel's and also that silly metal built in base... i prefere the plastic slottabase. what do you think? do you own any Mithril miniature?
Dungeons and Dragons,
Mithril miniatures,
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Ironclad incoming!
Monday, 4 May 2009
Cityfight scenery

some time ago i found on the net this stuff (above) from pegasus hobbies: what do you think? better or not than GW's? it is fully modular so you can build whatever you want, like this stuff i found on (many thanks to Zigor):
random thoughts about imperial guard vs eldars

yesterday night i played a nice match versus Orlando's (friend of mine) eldars... my army was the one in the list some posts below and Orlando's army was composed by 2 bike mounted farseers with some powers, 10 banshees on wave serpent, 6 fire dragons on falcon, 10 avengers on wave serpent, 5 jetbike guardians, warwalker squadron (3x warwalker). we had a pitched battle with seize ground. here's some thoughts about my own units:
LEMAN RUSS: when i opened fire with every weapon of the old reliable leman russ battle tank at a war walker squadron two of them got shaken and one destroyed. nice shot sir. in addition his battlecannon proved to be very nasty with both farseers (say goodbye!) and wave serpents (which one of them got destroyed by a well placed shot). then he got blasted by fire dragons, sigh.
SCOUT SENTINELS: both squadrons i have fielded flanked the enemy in a very effective way thanks to the astropath. in particular the ones with multilasers killed the bikes (what a luck) and the autocannon armed locked into close combat the war walkers for at least 4 turns so they never shot anything.
VANQUISHER: even if it managed to do some minor damage, it never proved to be very dangerous but it's not its fault, energy fields (they cancel its vanquisher cannon's outstanding armour penetration!) and holo field are too hard for him. gotta re-test.
VALKYRIE: finally also imperial guard has his fast response unit and it behaves extremely well! although it is quite a big model you can keep it in reserve to make it flank the enemy so there's no problem. rocket pods seems amusing but i couldn't test them well (lack of targets). i never made a gravchute insertion, too risky. by the way it is an excellent upgrade to a too static imperial guard!
VETERANS: everyone have great expectations about them, well, let's say they won't disappoint you. they are cheap and they have BS4 and also some nice (but costly) upgrades. the pity is that L7/8 but as i said, they are cheap enough to forget it... so go for them!
INFANTRY: i love them. the orders had turned these folks into something quite dangerous so don't fear to spend some extra points on them, they're gonna re-pay you. "bring it down" + heavy weapons squads = TNT
STORMTROOPERS: yeah, they can reroll the deep strike scatter dice and they have 4+ TS. yeah, they carry the hotshot lasgun and 2 special weapons and also have BS4. but they have LEADERSHIP 8! come on, they always work in some dangerous manner, isolated from the rest of the army and there is no way to improve their leadership value! they cost too much! yesterday night my 10 men squad got 3 men killed by the fire dragons and guess what? they got out of the table! more than 180 pts practically flushed! i think i'm not gonna re-field them.
it's all for now, let's hear what do you think guys!
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